Our David
Below is the blog we kept during the time our son David Zacharias was born. With the 20-week ultrasound, we found out that David's stomach had come next to the heart which indicated an open diaphragm (Cognitive Hernia Diafragmatica). From then on, we were in a flurry of events, experiences and emotions. Eventually, David died 2 weeks after birth at the Radboud hospital in Nijmegen.
We enjoyed David intensely and gave him back to God with great sorrow. But also during this time we were allowed to experience how our God and Father is with us in everything and how HE cares for us and David.

David, 2 years
Today marks two years since the birth of our son David. Today a special day to reflect back on the moment [...]
David 1 year!
Today, David would have turned 1 year old. Today is exactly a year since our son was born after which [...]

Mixed Emotions
It is so double, David's grave is finished and next week we have the 20-week ultrasound of our [...]
6 months
It was 6 months ago today that David was born. How proud we are of our beautiful son. He is [...]
Back to Nijmegen
Last Monday, we had a follow-up interview at the hospital in Nijmegen with the doctor who helped care for David and our [...]
Online photo album
A small online photo album of David. Basically a little journey through our beautiful little man's life. We would like to [...]
How is it now?
When people ask how things are going, I often say, 'things are going well in the circumstances'. Yes, it is intense and yes, on some [...]
Sam - update 9
Sam is home, with daddy, mummy and Jip!!!!As far as we understand they are doing very well. Hello everyone! It [...]
Back to work
This is now my fifth week back at work. I did feel like working on [...] again.
David - two months
Another milestone. David would be two months today. How crazy to think about it. Before giving birth, we had hoped [...]
Sam - update 7
Just another update on Sam Verhoeven, David's roommate when they were on ECMO together. At the bottom of the [...]
Time goes fast
How quickly time goes by. It is now almost 7 weeks since David was born and almost 5 weeks [...]
Saturday to Sunday night, we came home from a few days in Switzerland. Left in a hurry, but afterwards exactly at the [...]
Taking a week off
Family offered us a cottage in Switzerland. To be able to enjoy it for a while, unwind and [...]
That is actually the description of our feelings at the moment.Sometimes there seems to be a moment when a [...]
Sam - Update 5
Sam has been off ECMO for 5 days now! He is doing well (under the circumstances). The doctors are [...]
This morning we both woke up feeling like nothing had happened and that the past 3 weeks in which [...]

Memorial service David
The memorial service is scheduled for Tuesday 4 October at 1pm and will be at the Rafael Evangelical Centre on Dollard Street 127-129 [...].
Amersfoort Day 3
Yesterday, we met with the funeral director to discuss the rest of the days ahead. It was quite a crazy [...]
Little big David Zacharias
Last night at 03.40h, David passed away. We were with him from 01.20am. We will type more later [...]