This is Gideon
Gideon's blog which we have been keeping since about the 20-week ultrasound. Gideon was born with an open diaphragm (Cognitive Hernia Diafragmatica) just like his big brother David, which is why we gave birth at Radboud Hospital in Nijmegen.
Hospital day 6
After a reasonable night, Gideon's catheter was allowed to come out this morning. And last night the drip stopped working but decided [...]
Hospital day 5
Gideon, after an intense evening/night, is stable again and today's ultrasound looked much better. So the many [...]

Hospital day 4
13.00Van morning the urologist did another ultrasound. The course is going as expected and prognosis looks good, but [...]
Hospital day 3
09.00hGideon had a good night. Less pain, fewer wires and no monitor. That therefore means no beeps and [...]
Gideon in hospital
Gideon is unfortunately currently staying in the WKZ... He was in Zeist on Wednesday with Rosalie and family to a play paradise for [...].

Swimming certificate!
Gideon got his swimming certificate this weekend! When we started swimming lessons last summer, we had not dared to hope [...]

Lung fund campaign
Gideon becomes the face of a new CHD campaign at the lung fund. This has come to [...] in a very special way.

Samos on holiday!
We spent 2 weeks on holiday together. How much we have been looking forward to a time when we could have a carefree [...]

Gideon 5 years!
Where is the time... Gideon celebrated his 5th birthday last week. And what a birthday! We made it [...]

No hospital for next 3 years!!!
High time for an update to let you know how we are doing!Last period was another rollercoaster [...].

Site and update
Unfortunately, no new site for a while yet. The hosting I'm on is in the process of moving to a new software where the old [...]
No news is... Gideon is still doing incredibly well. In fact, he has been doing better for a few days than before the [...]
Diaphragm surgery 4 - report
EN EN Below is a report of Gideon's (4th) diaphragm surgery(Details last modified on 1-3-2017)Reason for surgery2 [...]
(No more hospital) day 10
EN EN There we are. Got home yesterday from a bizarre adventure, a week after surgery. What a delight!We [...]
Hospital day 9
EN 5.20pmWe are home! 5.20pmWe are home! 11.10amWe are allowed to go home! After the CT scan, we can basically [...]

Hospital day 8
20.30hWe have great news: If things continue like this, we will be allowed to go home tomorrow or the day after!!Medically, there is nothing more to [...]
Hospital day 7
EN EN 11:00amWe had another reasonable night. Early in the night there was a lot of pain again, [...]

Hospital day 6
EN EN 8.30pmIt's been a good day. Not too many "strangers" in the room wanting all sorts of things from Gideon. As a result [...]

Hospital day 5
EN EN 8.15pmGideon is asleep. Marieke is with him, and I am now in the RMH. We have a beautiful day behind [...]
Hospital day 4
EN EN 16.00hWhere's another day of lots of impressions and visits for our little guy. Examination here, thorax photo there, lots of [...]