Gideon day 28 (moving MediumCare)

Gideon is now permanently on the lowflow, faster than we had thought the day before yesterday therefore there was no reason to keep him on neonatology. So a very big step was taken today, as Gideon is now in his own little room in medium care. We were called at 13h that he would be moved at 14h to the sea ward, next to surgery (the beach). We quickly finished our food and headed for Gideon. Everything was already ready and in no time we went up in the lift with Gideon in his cot and an oxygen bottle attached. Once there, unfortunately, things didn't quite run smoothly and everything was a bit chaotic. But now we are installed and very happy to be with Gideon. I (Marieke) am staying with Gideon to be able to feed him when he is awake too. How cool is this. Around 5pm, for the first time in 4 weeks, the three of us were in a room together! A moment that brought tears to both our eyes, how lovely this is!

There are still some bumps to overcome, but this feels like the last big step before going home. We are enjoying ourselves!

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Messages 1 up to and including 25 out of a total of 25


Sat, 22-12-12 11:22

So cool!!!


Fam . de Bar

Thursday, 20-12-12 09:39

What a good news again, lovely this progress...enjoying your little man to the max, Love from us


Johan and Marjan van der Kuijl from Amersfoort

Thursday, 20-12-12 09:38

Wow, how fast it goes, super nice and special!
Of course, it can't be soon enough for you before you get to go home with the three of you. But how nice that God is giving you the peace to enjoy everything. Many blessings.

Love from Johan, Marjan, Bram and Evi


Zefanja Scheinhardt from Schiedam

Thursday, 20-12-12 08:17

GAAAAAAAAAF I hope Gidion can come home with us before Christmas



Thursday, 20-12-12 08:16

How incredibly cool! And how wonderful you are going to enjoy the three of you now! Very special. And for today I wish you a nice and quiet day!
Love, Amarillis


Immanuel Scheinhardt from Schiedam

Thursday, 20-12-12 08:12

How nice !!!!!!!!!!!

It's already going so fast with him and how nice for you that you have a little room with just gideon
Gr. Immanuel


B & E out temporarily from the smoky mountains

Thursday, 20-12-12 01:39

Even though we don't post anything every day, we do follow you daily. And so we, like you, are unimaginably happy how fast things are going. Could it still work out before Christmas? We continue to pray. Big kiss


Joke and Ton from Leende

Thursday, 20-12-12 00:04

What a big step forward say!!!! Fantastic!
Enjoy the time together!!!!



Wed, 19-12-12 23:20

Ha darlings, how lovely to have Skyped and see his little room and you, Mariek! What a big step today for Gideon and for you too. And you now sleeping with him Marieke. I wish you a very nice good night dear. Lots of love and hugs



Wed, 19-12-12 23:18

My reaction; WHAAAAAAH how cool dear treasures! big hug Joon


charlotte from nijverdal

Wed, 19-12-12 22:49



Esther A from Amersfoort

Wed, 19-12-12 22:44

What. Is. This. Gaaaaaf!!! Now it's getting more real and real "daddy & mommy & Gideon & feeding & night feeds & bath time & cuddle time! Enjoy!


Ellen from Ridderkerk

Wed, 19-12-12 22:23

... it leaves me speechless ... Enjoy.


Albert-Jan Schol

Wed, 19-12-12 22:18

Hi N,M,G,

Great to hear, really great. Happy and blessed Christmas to you.


Menno & Eva

Wed, 19-12-12 21:20

How cool! Another step forward. Hope this will re-energise you too. Big. Hugs to all three of you from Bunschoten.


Menno & Eva

Wed, 19-12-12 21:19

How cool! Another step forward. Hope this will re-energise you too. Big. Hugs to all three of you from Bunschoten.


michael & esther from amersfoort

Wed, 19-12-12 21:05

Wow what cool news say! Super happy for you! Enjoy the 3 of you!
Love from us.


Elza&Evert and Eliza from Scherpenzeel(GLD)

Wed, 19-12-12 21:01

Dear Nathanel & Marieke and Gideon,
What a beautiful and rewarding post!!! Indeed another step closer to home. Now enjoy each other's company and the peace and quiet.
Sweet greetings and a hug from us


Jan & Lianne

Wednesday, 19-12-12 21:00

What a delight! That Gideon is a juggernaut.
And then sleeping with your son at your fingertips! How nice is that.
Enjoy it Marieke, but I'm sure you will :-)
Hope you sleep well too Nathanael.
Just a little more time and then the three of us will go home, what a feast that will be. Sweet greetings from the four of us.


Joep and Jet from Hooglanderveen

Wed, 19-12-12 20:32

What an amazingly beautiful step and event. Enjoy the intimacy. Much love and blessings to you.


Carlos and Antoinette Verhorst from Amersfoort

Wed, 19-12-12 20:31

Hi treasures!

ff a hug from Amersfoort from us ;))!

What incredibly cool news to read again! God is good. Super that he gets to go to medium care, what a Christmas gift...!

Hugs from us and hopefully see you soon in A'foort with Gideon.

Greetings, Carlos & Antoinette


Rebecca van Dijk from Pensacola

Wed, 19-12-12 20:31

Hey lovelies,

OHHHHH I shed a few tears of joy here in the office while reading your post! WOW.... How close it is, that big day when the three of you can go home. Dearest, I love you and pray for you. Big hug.


Marijke from Leusden

Wed, 19-12-12 20:12

Often when I read your posts my heart jumps up with joy lyou may know, also with this message, giant excitement also when you can go to your home, dedicated to our dear Father....loves from me....


Hanna Wolff

Wed, 19-12-12 20:11

How nice&what a great step!!! Hope it gives you and also Gideon a lot of peace at the beach :)
And in advance: sleep well tonight next to your beautiful hubby Marieke!
Much love xx



Wed, 19-12-12 20:10

wow how GAAF, how special that will be. His faithfulness colours the morning! God is good, and you are brave warriors. I pray you are refreshed, rested and at peace for now. GeWel enjoy it!
