Gideon day 5
Today seems to be the day! If all goes well, Gideon will have surgery on his diaphragm today around 3pm/16pm (subject to emergency).
We will keep you updated.
Just reported Gideon. We accused him of being too cute... Declaration to the municipality could fortunately be done at the hospital, which saves another trip to the city.
Now we are planning a rest at the RMhouse for a while and then we will return to the hospital around 2.30pm and wait there to see what will happen.
In this operation, they will go and see what the situation is with the diaphragm because it cannot be seen on scan and photo. Only then will they also see what they can do on it to "fix" it. The operation will be relatively simple for the doctors, but for Gideon (and us) it will be another exciting moment because it will be a major operation for him.
If it is a hole, depending on its size, they will close it with some kind of plastic patch that will then stay in place for its entire life. But in Gideon's case, it looks very much like it is not a hole but a hollowed-out piece of muscle. In that case, if this muscle is still thick enough, they can fold it like a curtain and thus make the diaphragm "normal" with its own tissue. So that situation would be a lot more favourable.
Also, it seems that only the liver has come up a piece but again, they will not be able to confirm this definitively until they look inside.
The doctors and we do not know the exact prognosis and how it will go, but we are confident of a speedy recovery.
Will you pray for calm in the room and wisdom for the doctors?
We just spoke to the surgeon who is going to operate on Gideon and he told us that the operation shifted to 08:00 tomorrow morning. They have a gap in the roster tomorrow where they will then schedule Gideon. Then they also have the assurance that everyone will be there who needs to be there. And that's a lot of people for such a little guy.
Too bad it's not going ahead, but good. Better to be safe than sorry. Nice that they choose to do so, though.
Marieke just spent an hour and a half with Gideon on her lap. What fun that was! And Gideon responds very well to it. Not all children respond well to it. But his breathing became a lot calmer than in his own bed. And all his values could hardly be better. We are happy 🙂
Exciting day tomorrow. We will head to the hospital around 7 so we can be with Gideon for a while before he undergoes surgery.
As soon as we know something and have the time, we will let you know.
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Messages 1 up to and including 37 out of a total of 37
joke mulder from doetinchem
Sat, 01-12-12 10:28
dear both,
What a wonderful moment that must have been for you and what a sweetheart.enjoy it love from us joke
Miriam Mohammed
Tuesday, 27-11-12 00:17
Dear Nathanael and Marieke, happy birthday to your beautiful little man! And what an exciting day for all of you when he will be operated on. Lots of rest, blessings and peace for you, for the doctors and for your families!
Christiaan from Huizen
Monday, 26-11-12 23:41
Beautiful moments yet tension too. Good luck tomorrow! Get well for Gideon! Hope the little guy may heal well from everything.
So that will be another day of "F5'ing" tomorrow;)
Joke Hilhorst from Leende
Monday, 26-11-12 23:29
Thanks for the update! How nice that Gideon was able to sit with Marieke and calmed down from that! Lovely! We hope you are able to sleep a bit and wish an extremely successful surgery and quick recovery! Lots of love from Leende!!!
Hester van Kooten from Amersfoort
Monday, 26-11-12 23:04
How lovely to read that Gideon is doing so well and you are able to enjoy him and hold him so much. Really fantastic! We will be praying with you tomorrow for the operation and recovery afterwards.
Love from us
Monday, 26-11-12 23:00
how lovely to read that Gideon likes it so much with mummy on his lap! and definitely exciting day tomorrow. i will be thinking and praying of you 3. for now sleep well, and a peaceful night. He is there!
rogier and verena
Monday, 26-11-12 22:52
An exciting day tomorrow, lots of strength and get well soon for Gideon. What a great start! How good that you still make time to keep everyone informed. A beautiful card by the way! We are thinking of you!
Tiny Heek - van Twillert from Bunschoten Spakenburg
Monday, 26-11-12 22:49
Brand-new dad and mum ter Borg,
Congratulations on the birth of this wonder of the world: Gideon Kaleb! (Too crazy name + meaning)
How special to read/live this precious exciting intensive time with you.
How cool to read between the lines how wonderfully well he is doing.
But what a mountain to climb tomorrow. Exciting, but God is very close to Gideon every second, and to you and your family.
In prayer and thought, I am with you, especially tomorrow from 8 am.
God cares.
Kind regards, Tiny
Monday, 26-11-12 22:35
I'll be in the car tomorrow morning at that time on my way to den Bosch. I will pray for him the whole drive (with my eyes open sometimes true :-) Hope you can sleep a bit tonight. By the way, what a cute card again. thank you x x x x
Erna Vedder from Bunschoten
Monday, 26-11-12 21:36
Hi Marieke and Nathaniël,
Great say that you are keeping us updated like this again. Very nice to hear that things are looking relatively favourable! We are praying for you, Gideon (great name!) and the doctors. You are the best, love, Willem and Erna
Simone Brouwer
Monday, 26-11-12 20:23
Dear Nathanael and Marieke,
Congratulations on your son! God is faithful, Gideon is safe with Him. I pray you can also find some rest tonight and I pray for the surgeon and for the operation.
Peter & Geriette van Diermen from spakenburg
Monday, 26-11-12 19:40
Dear Nathanael and Marieke.
What great news. We will pray for you and the doctors and sympathise with you!!!!!!!
Grandma Klomp from IJsselstein
Monday, 26-11-12 18:49
Grandma wishes you strength and peace and veeeeeeeel love!
marijke from leusden
Monday, 26-11-12 16:38
good news but veryellll exciting,
dear ones I pray with you for rest and peace and that the hands and insights of the doctors may be widely blessed also for you that the Lord will be very close....but that is always already so....God is there......loves from me.
alinde knepper from elburg
Monday, 26-11-12 16:23
How exciting it all is...nice that Gideon is doing so well, even showing his eyes already nicely
Liesbeth Krijtenburg
Monday, 26-11-12 16:16
So still some exciting hours to go, but also kind of nice that the surgery is scheduled for tomorrow morning and that you can be with him now. Enjoy your little man to the full, you and he need it so much!!! We are praying for you and especially for the operation tomorrow. God's blessing also for upcoming night, which may also be exciting after all. For now, I pray His Rest and Peace on you.
jannieka scheinhardt from sellingen
Monday, 26-11-12 16:13
so your patience will be tested, you set yourself up for it anyway. good luck tomorrow with the will be carried by many prayers. so beautiful the text on the card as it is already so applicable! lots of love
Carla van den Broek
Monday, 26-11-12 16:00
That will be a prayer for much patience and rest ! Good luck waiting ...and tomorrow won't be a whole day before he has surgery !
Lianne Kleine from Leusden
Monday, 26-11-12 15:41
Probably a wise decision to postpone it, but difficult for you guys. Your feelings must be tossed back and forth at a time like this. Good luck waiting. Enjoy Gideon who is doing so well! How loving and faithful God is that He blesses you with such a beautiful cute little man and gives you so much peace despite everything. We remain in prayer with you three! Dear "Little" greetings from Leusden
Martine Voogd from Amersfoort
Monday, 26-11-12 15:32
WHAAA way too exciting!!! how sweet that you think of us and keep us so well informed. we stay glued to the blog.... until you get to take your canker home with you:) we will keep praying! thick love.
Richard and Françoise
Monday, 26-11-12 15:23
Exciting! Lots of strength! We are thinking of you!
Leonieke Koolstra from Amersfoort
Monday, 26-11-12 14:32
Exciting... I'm praying for you guys! X
joke mulder from doetinchem
Monday, 26-11-12 14:21
dear both,
Know that we have great GOD !!!!!!!!We pray with you love bronno and joke
Evert&Elza and Eliza van de Kamp from Scherpenzeel
Monday, 26-11-12 14:10
Dear Marieke&Nathanel and Gideon,we stand around you praying and trusting God.God cares for you.Every moment dear greetings Elza&Evert and knffl from Eliza
jannieka scheinhardt from sellingen
Monday, 26-11-12 14:01
Very exciting, nice to keep up, a lot of people praying, including for the doctors. I also pray you a peace beyond all reason! dear people.
Love from us Rien and Jannieka
Monday, 26-11-12 13:51
We pray! Rest them... X
Joke and Ton from Leende
Monday, 26-11-12 12:48
And we wish the specialists heeeeeeeeeeeeery much skill and healing hands!!!
{{{{{Marieke, Nathanaël and Gideon}}}}}
Joke and Ton from Leende
Monday, 26-11-12 12:34
Exciting! We will send lots of positive energy to you. I can't pray. Good luck today!
Kees and Karin from Amersfoort
Monday, 26-11-12 12:29
You are in our prayers. Love!
juliette van der weide from nijkerk
Monday, 26-11-12 12:24
I pray for you. And that he will soon be with you
Take home
Monday, 26-11-12 12:00
Oh exciting but also super that Gideon is doing so well that he can now have surgery!!! Big step towards the future! Big hug for today
charlotte from nijverdal
Monday, 26-11-12 11:36
lots of strength, I pray for you
Monday, 26-11-12 11:34
Wow, exciting day! We are thinking of you and praying!
Gideon & Judith Vreeman from Amersfoort
Monday, 26-11-12 11:28
We are thinking of you, we wish you lots of strength! We pray for you, much love
Hanna Wolff
Monday, 26-11-12 11:25
Okay, exciting! We pray that God will work through the doctors' hands during the operation. We are confident of a good outcome. We will keep checking the blog :)
Big hugs to you and of course to Gideon!
corriejanne michon from Amersfoort
Monday, 26-11-12 11:23
much strength we pray!
Myriam Elias
Monday, 26-11-12 11:14
Darlings.... Heeeeeeeeeeeery many hugs from here! We are thinking of and loving you guys!!! Super exciting!!! Xxxxxxxx