Gideon day 61 - just a little more patience please
This afternoon at half past three, we had an appointment with our contact doctor to hear what all was going to happen tomorrow when Gideon was due for surgery. Unfortunately, another disappointment. First of all, they had originally stated in the planning at surgery that this operation was scheduled for Wednesday, while we and Gideon's department had put Tuesday in the agenda. Then the message that one of the surgeons had had an accident today (fortunately not serious, but still out of the running for a while) which meant the entire surgery department had to rethink the planning, so the operation might be postponed until next week. We would be called about the final schedule tonight. We are still waiting for the call....
Patience is a virtue, but we have also had enough for a while. Eventually you have to, but it's not fun for a while.
We went out for dinner tonight. Get out for a while, clear our minds. We noticed that we were both a bit worn out. We prefer to bury our heads in the sand and wait for the storm to pass. Actually, we were both looking forward to tomorrow so that it would be a bit of an uphill struggle. Just a little longer, then...
We are fed up for a while. No matter how things turn out, it will be all right in the end, but it's just impossible to oversee and that is so annoying. And the peace to sort everything out isn't really there either, but the space to park everything then is also starting to fill up a bit.
Still trying to let go and give everything back into God's hands...
Just heard that Gideon will not be operated on Wednesday either, but when he will be is also not yet known. Our contact doctor indicated that there is a good chance it will be next week.... Tomorrow we hope to hear more again....
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Messages 1 up to and including 21 out of a total of 21
Carlos & Antoinette Verhorst from Amersfoort
wednesday, 23-01-13 23:28
Hey Kanjers,
ffrom A'foort.
Bless, Carlos and Antoinette
Elza&Evert and Eliza
wednesday, 23-01-13 21:25
Dear Kanjers,
Just a quick note...
Just giving you a few words of encouragement....
We are so super proud of you...
Hang in there!!!
sweet hugs from the 3 of us
wednesday, 23-01-13 20:29
Hey guys,
We wanted to let you ff know that we are thinking of you!
Tis nice to keep up to date with you and your little man via the blog. You are three great kids! We have deep admiration for you and little Gideon. Lots of strength and blessings through everything. know He and we love you guys!!!
wednesday, 23-01-13 19:16
Oh oh, totally understand that it's starting to itch now and patience is running out. Have you discovered the bubble baths next to the hospital yet? You can stay in them until midnight and who knows, it might relax you while waiting ;-) If only we could do more for you. Love and we keep praying. X
alinde knepper from elburg
wednesday, 23-01-13 16:20
What an incredibly impotent feeling,it must be: having to be patient for all this again and again... I find it so sad too! I wish you lots of patience, courage and strength for having to keep waiting!!! Hang in there! Know that you don't have to do this alone....
In doing so, we continue to pray for you....
Sweet greetings from Elburg
Richard Klomp from Hoogland
wednesday, 23-01-13 15:09
Dear Nathanael and Marieke,
It breaks my heart to see and hear that you are so alone in this unimaginable development where there seems to be nothing you can do but wait for the medical specialists to decide to want or be able to act again. It is painful and confusing. Mum and I pray that you receive strength and courage to cope with this. So far, you have shown you can draw on an extra reservoir of God's perseverance and patience every time. We pray that you can find that reservoir now too. We are constantly praying with you!!!
Kind regards and big hug,
carla van osnabrugge
Wed, 23-01-13 13:40
Hey Gideon, you know, the Father knows you..... :)
do you know you are of value ??!!! :)
know that you are a pearl, a pearl in God's Hand !!!
hugs from Carla
Tuesday, 22-01-13 22:23
Today, Gideon is already 2 months old!
What a juggernaut!
We admire you, how you handle the situation, but also how you show your vulnerability in this!
We pray that clarity and peace will come soon.
Rest to recover, rest to enjoy, but also rest, just for rest's sake!
Big hugs from the 3 of us
Elza&Evert and Eliza
Tuesday, 22-01-13 21:29
Dear M&N and Gideon...
Just a quick hug and lots of love from the 3 of us
for you...
Martine Voogd
tuesday, 22-01-13 19:00
Whaaaa waiting is no fun!!! We pray that your jar of patience may fill up again, and that time may go very fast. And a lot of strength and energy for you little Gideon! We pray you go home!!!
Joke and Ton from Leende
Tuesday, 22-01-13 12:28
How your patience is being tested...Unbelievable!
We hope your little one will have surgery soon and that you can find some distraction in the meantime....
We are thinking of you!
Lots of love!
Hanna&Matthieu Wolff
Tuesday, 22-01-13 11:47
Ah no hey! Another wait... Can your little guy handle this yet?
We pray that the time will go really fast until the surgery and most importantly that you will get clarity soon!
Lots of love xxxx
Tuesday, 22-01-13 00:12
God's Love, Restoration and Peace for tonight.
Very big hug, WLY!
Monday, 21-01-13 23:59
big hug!
such a shame to stand by the sidelines and not be able to help
good luck with incasing this bummer. i am praying for you.
Michael & Esther from Amersfoort
Monday, 21-01-13 23:26
Dear Nathanael and Marieke,
We read your stirring and effort. Because that's what it is. And from a distance, we also sigh now. But also smile at your messages about your moments of enjoyment with your beautiful son in recent days. And now we want to fight for you, especially when you are tired. Hopefully we will be able to meet in Nijmegen this week. Loving greetings from Michael and Esther
Ellen from Ridderkerk
Monday, 21-01-13 23:21
I am still following. Silently perhaps but follow your ups and downs every day.
Even if it is so difficult ... God is leading you. Maybe through strange ways. Consider that maybe God's intention is to have another surgeon operate, have other people on the ok or just give Gideon's body time to repair itself or give God time to do His miracle.
Waiting is horrible, I know t, bring t to God. Ask for clarity.
I am with you in prayer, hoping for a speedy recovery.
Monday, 21-01-13 23:16
Hello dears,
It is almost unfathomable what the 3 of you are going through.
I feel so bad for you guys.
And yet there is a great god who knows what you are going through and I pray you strength courage perseverance trust and hope and power know that the supreme one is beside you, as you yourselves also prayer and thoughts with your canners........
Gijsbert Den Hertog from Amersfoort
Monday, 21-01-13 22:35
To become despondent, the tendency to throw everything around and let them à.ub. All shut up, because you don't pull it anymore !!! Yet you regain courage , because the Most High sees you too and does not let go. Hold on dear people. And was it very acute then the operation was already behind you. Once again hold on and keep looking up to Jesus.... We love you
Wietske Rademaker
Monday, 21-01-13 22:31
What a disappointment again! But how much I admire you and how strong you are. Hang in there. We are praying for you here.
Lots of strength.
Monday, 21-01-13 22:20
Darlings, I am so sorry for you. Please try to persevere. I pray for you and Gideon and so many with me/us. Please God. do a miracle in Jesus name. For what more can you wait and hope and pray. I don't know what to say. then again, live by the day. Today, tonight, now..... x x x x x
Elza&Evert and Eliza
Monday, 21-01-13 22:08
Dear cronies,
Waiting again...We understand very well that it is all too much for you right now.Waiting and depending on doctors....
We sympathise so deeply with you, and know that you do not have to do it under your own steam but with the strength of our Heavenly Father.
Sweet greetings and a hug from the 3 of us