Strength for today, happy hope for the future?!

We went to Nijmegen today with mixed feelings. On the one hand with a glimmer of hope and on the other with the expectation of not hearing such good news. Being there again was also quite special.

But, we have had better news than we expected.

Our little one does seem to have a left-sided hernia diaphragmatica (open diaphragm) as far as they can see. The same as with David.

Only instead of the stomach like David's, a piece of the liver has been pushed up. Something that again makes this case unique. Generally, the liver comes mainly upwards (often also with a portion of intestine) in a right-sided hernia diafragmatica. They are not sure what to make of this yet but it looks like the opening might be more to the front. The stomach is still in the right place and the intestines also seem to be where they belong.

The positive news we were told is that the lungs seem to be well laid out, despite the heart being shifted a bit to the right and a piece of liver attached. For week 21/22 of pregnancy, the size of the lungs is also at a pretty good size. This is a big difference from David's situation where his lungs were still a lot smaller around this time and his left lung was almost non-existent.

All in all, the doctors could say that the prognosis does seem a bit more positive than with David, although it remains a serious condition. If it remains like this, the procedure will be the same. Give birth in Nijmegen and surgery will then remain necessary for our little one.

We are very grateful. Last week, things seemed a lot less positive and we were afraid we would be told today that our little one might not be viable at all.

I had already built another wall to avoid looking to the future, but now I am sneaking a peek through the gaps of that wall to still look hopefully to the future.

In doing so, we keep our eye on God. He continues to give hope and confidence!

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Messages 1 up to and including 16 out of a total of 16

Arno and Eunice

Monday, 30-07-12 22:14

God is good. God does good. What He makes is good.
It is wonderful that you dare to peep through the holes in the wall again. We pray for you that those holes get bigger and bigger so that the whole wall has to collapse so that you can face the future openly and freely. LIFE prevails!


Harry and Marcelle

Monday, 30-07-12 15:50

Dear Marieke and Nathanael,

After returning from our holiday, we read your posts and were shocked by this. We so wished you had experienced a "normal" pregnancy this time. And how difficult it must be for you to deal with this. Happy and sad at the same time, you are torn between pragmatism and emotion, between distance and closeness. And what do you open yourself up to now so as not to be disappointed afterwards..........

We continue to sympathise with you and wholeheartedly wish you every support and strength and hope with you for a happy ending.


Mattanja from Harderwijk

Sunday, 29-07-12 10:07

Dear Nathanael and Marieke, once again we sympathise with you, what an ordeal again. We pray for you and for your Ukkie. Reading your new story actually gave me an immediate picture of how this all almost reflects the grief God has when one of His children who is so wanted and loved is in danger.
I am really praying with you for this time too, and I especially wish you His shalom that surpasses everything!



friday, 27-07-12 12:36

Hi Nathanael and Marieke,
How nice to read some positive news. We sympathise very much.
Vandeweek, when praying for you, I ran into Ps 61:5: "I will dwell in Your tent for all eternity, taking refuge in the shelter under Your wings".
I pray you will experience that: the 3 of you under His wings. He takes care of you.


Gre van Overbeeke from Bussum

friday, 27-07-12 10:26

Dear Marieke and Nathanael,

You are true heroes of faith and with you I keep praying for your Ukkie, God is Good and with Him nothing is impossible.May God's loving closeness always envelop and flow through you. Love from Gre and Jaap


Petra van Harten

friday, 27-07-12 07:49

Lovely that there is good news! I wish you much peace and wisdom!


Corriejanne Michon from Aoort

Thursday, 26-07-12 23:01

His faithfulness................. Fine news is this say and yes definitely hope for the future and trust in God who oversees and has everything in His hand. Be blessed with His strength and courage. Love from us xx


rogier and verena huisman

Thursday, 26-07-12 22:38

A warm hug from us!



Thursday, 26-07-12 19:22

Yes, it is and remains as you say: "strength for today - joy - hope for the future, knowing that HE is there!


Lianne from Leusden

Thursday, 26-07-12 18:52

Happy! this news. We are praying for and thinking of you! Sweet greetings from the 4 of us.


marijke van den heuvel from leusden

Thursday, 26-07-12 18:47

cool to know and hope for the future....
Thank You Lord we look only to You,

sweet greeting,



Danielle from Snits

Thursday, 26-07-12 17:58

Love you!


Koert&Gea de Zwaan from Chengdu

Thursday, 26-07-12 17:54

Dear Marieke and Nathaniel,

Very nice to see your blog again and read how today has been!!! We are also very grateful that the prognosis is much better than initially thought after all! I totally sympathise with how you describe how you dare to look through the holes of the built-up wall into the future. (Julllie are both particularly good writers, by the way, and can reflect what is in your hearts wonderfully well)!
We continue to pray for you and your little one and keep our eye on our God together with you!!! Big hugs from your uncle & aunt Koert & Gaea


Klaas and Pia Steendam from Xining, China

Thursday, 26-07-12 17:07

Good news. We continue to pray for you (and your little one).
Thank you for letting us sympathise in this situation. HOPE


Debby van Houten

Thursday, 26-07-12 17:03

How good to read this, God is good and His faithfulness colours the morning, you are brave warriors! We keep our gaze glued up, In Deut it says, He carried me on eagles' wings and brought me to Himself, I pray this to you



Thursday, 26-07-12 16:59

Wow, nice that there is still a better prognosis than initially thought!
Praise the Lord!
And very nice that this dares you/you to look a bit further.... Thank you for your vulnerability and openness!
Big hug
