
Also through the site, we want to let you know that we are expecting our second child! 

How thankful we are to be expecting and looking forward to New Life again.

We had the 12-week ultrasound last week and everything looked great. He/She was moving pretty well and everything was very clear to see, what a treat to see our little one.

Of course, we also find this period exciting and unconsciously we had some 'reserves'. Like, let's first see how everything goes. But, after the 12-week ultrasound, everything becomes more real and 'real' again. Above all, we can say that happiness and gratitude prevail!

It is crazy that David will have a sibling, but that they will never meet on this earth. I have an older brother in heaven myself, and as a child I loved the prospect of meeting him in heaven. So will it be with our little family too!

We will have the 20-week ultrasound at the UMC, to check everything properly. For the rest, we will just be guided by the midwife, lovely! A bit 'normal' just like most pregnant people who come to the midwife without the medical talk all the time. J

For now, we are enjoying the new life growing inside me, it is such a miracle! And how much we are looking forward to soon being able to 'just' cuddle him/her and that we can really start parenting. What a wonderful prospect!

Comments are closed.

Messages 1 up to and including 38 out of a total of 38

Martineke Poppe

Thursday, 28-06-12 11:04

Hi Marieke and Nathanael!

Coincidentally, I looked at your site again and wow.... What great news! I hope and pray for a very good look forward to this new life!

Greetings Martineke


Carlos and Antoinette Verhorst from Amersfoort

Sunday, 24-06-12 22:34

Hi N&M,

Quite 'accidentally' I clicked on your blog again....very special to see that you are using this very place again for the announcement of new life. We will follow you just like last time - also via this blog :p!

Greetings from us


Jelle and Rachel

Sat, 23-06-12 22:11

hey lovelies!
What wonderful news to hear...may you all intensely enjoy and look forward to the new life to come..Praise God! He is faithful!


Joke and Ton Hilhorst from Leende

Tuesday, 19-06-12 12:38

Dear Marieke and Nathanaël, what a beautiful message!
We are very happy for you and wish you an exemplary pregnancy and, above all, a healthy baby!


Marijke Van den heuvel from Leusden

Tuesday, 19-06-12 02:59

Dear Marieke and Nathanaell,

What joy and happiness to read this post,

Kind regards,



Margriet from Spakenburg

Tuesday, 05-06-12 12:12

What great news, am super happy for you!


Elza&Evert van de Kamp from Scherpenzeel(GLD)

Monday, 04-06-12 13:35

Dear Marieke&Nathanael,

What cool and extraordinary news!!! Congratulations! We are praying for you guys! God is so good.
sweet greeting,


roy and Miranda Kooijman from almere

Sat, 02-06-12 20:36

Wow how fantastic!
I wanted to wish you a very happy pregnancy, but then it occurred to me that well that's not always nice and that's not the primary important thing. in the end, a wonderful baby in your arms! and some enjoyment is just a few extra cherries on top!

Greetings from all of us!


Robin & Nadia Eikhoudt-Fieggen from The Hague

Thursday, 31-05-12 16:59

Happy birthday cake! God's blessings on the new one.
Love Robin and Nadia


Ruth Wester

Thursday, 31-05-12 08:40

Marieke and Nathanaël, what wonderful, good news! Exciting though. I look forward to reading about your new miracle on this lovely blog from time to time!


Claudia Gringhuis

Wed, 30-05-12 18:57

Congratulations!!! What a super news say. We continue to pray with you that it may be a beautiful and good time.
Love, Erik, Claudia, Nienke and Mirthe.


wim and willy van diest from bunschoten

Wed, 30-05-12 12:05

Hoy, N and M how nice for you to enjoy this new life. Congratulations to both of you and God's Blessing.


charlot from nijverdal

Tuesday, 29-05-12 04:19

what wonderful news!
a new beautiful miracle!
enjoy! and god bless

Greetings Charlo(former colleague of your sister Nanja)


Koert&Gea de Zwaan from Chengdu

Tuesday, 29-05-12 03:43

Dear Marieke and Nathaniel,

We are incredibly happy for y'all!!!
I had secretly heard it from your dear mother a little earlier, but so now everyone is allowed to know. You guys are still a very special couple and we take you into our hearts with thanksgiving and prayers of blessing!!! A big hug from both of us!!!


Dad and Mom

Monday, 28-05-12 23:36

Of course, we also want to show on this site our joy over this new miracle! Fantastic!!! You are enjoying, so are we!!!


Jan and Caroline Brak

Monday, 28-05-12 20:27

Hi Marieke and Nathanael,
Congratulations on this fantastic news! We wish you many blessings!
Regards, Jan and Caroline


Eveline de Jong Burden

Monday, 28-05-12 14:29

Wow, how cool! I think it is so special how you deal with your grief for David, of course it is also a blessing that you can be given that! Enjoy this new little person, very exciting too but so hopeful. And beautiful that this site features David's rainbow!


Jan Dirk and Silvia Kramp from Amersfoort

Monday, 28-05-12 12:48

What a great post!!! Congratulations!
We are very happy for you!


Jan Dirk and Silvia Kramp from Amersfoort

Monday, 28-05-12 12:47

What a great post!!! Congratulations!
We are very happy for you!


Lenie from Amersfoort

Monday, 28-05-12 09:06

Dear Marieke and Nathanael, how incredibly happy I am for and with you! Congratulations! I wish you a carefree pregnancy in which you will only enjoy yourselves. love


Martine Voogd

Monday, 28-05-12 00:24

How great is our God!!! Praise him for this miracle!


bronno and joke mulder from doetinchem

Sunday, 27-05-12 21:17

dear nathanael and marieke,
How super that things are going so well congratulations and enjoy this wonderful time love bronno and joke


Ester N'Guessan from De Lier

Sunday, 27-05-12 20:49

Ooohhhhh... Wow!!!! heartfelt. What wonderful news! Am so happy for you!!! enjoy enjy enjoy!!!!!! big hug.... enjoy huh!!!


Carla van Osnabrugge from Amersfoort

Sunday, 27-05-12 19:47

Rather Marieke and Nathanael,

What great news!!!!! Congratulations!!! Really special huh, already time for a new life.... I also have a (baby?) brother in heaven, that's a really special idea huh..... We pray God's Blessing on you. Sweet greetings from Hedwi and Carla



Sunday, 27-05-12 19:10

What a super cute news say!
Hope and pray you get to enjoy a nice pregnancy!
Kind regards also on behalf of Jan,


Aad Kamerman from Amersfoort

Sunday, 27-05-12 17:14

I am very happy for you and I wish you a happy pregnancy and God's great blessing, lots of huggies from me :-)




Suzanne Brinksma

Sunday, 27-05-12 16:10

WOWIE!!! Super congratulations on your new miracle!!! I am super happy for you guys!
Hope you guys will have a wonderful pregnancy that you can just enjoy! You guys are jugglers!!! :D

Love Suuz


Paul and Els Laman from Almere

Sunday, 27-05-12 14:20

What fantastic news! Congratulations and enjoy it.

Paul and Els


Richard and Françoise

Sunday, 27-05-12 13:42

Congratulations on your pregnancy! We wish you a good and healthy pregnancy.
Richard, Françoise and the kids


Michael&Marijn Klapwijk from Amersfoort

Sunday, 27-05-12 12:02

How wonderful to read this so tomorrow! Very special! Enjoying this wonderful news with you guys! Many blessings,

Big hug, michael&marijn


Anneke Smedes from Almere

Sunday, 27-05-12 10:26

Wow, how wonderful to read! are so lucky!!! We are praying for you and the pregnancy and hope you can enjoy it to the fullest.


sanne van Heusden

Sunday, 27-05-12 10:23

Wow!!! Congratulations man! That's really good news! I wish you lots of health and strength and happiness and most of all joy for the coming months. Enjoy!
Love, Joost and Sanne


hans and annemarie colenbrander

Sunday, 27-05-12 10:00

Dear Nathanael and Marieke,
What great news!!! Congratulations!
Hans, Annemarie, Nina, Eva and Pepijn


Kim Jongeneel from Amersfoort

Sunday, 27-05-12 09:57

What great news! What a blessing, congratulations!

Greetings Kim


Alette & Bert Tammenga from Amersfoort

Sunday, 27-05-12 09:50

wow! what a cool and beautiful news! congratulations!


riek brinksma

Sunday, 27-05-12 09:40

Heartfelt congratulations! Happy to look forward to new life.
Love Riek


renate scheinhardt from winschoten

Sunday, 27-05-12 09:32

Dear Nathanaël and Marieke, what awesome news!!!
I am so happy for you guys!!! really


Petra van Harten

Sunday, 27-05-12 09:22

Wow, congratulations!!! I am so happy for you and thank God for blessing you with new life!!!!
