Investigations behind

On Thursday morning, we were allowed to report to the paediatric ward at 10.30am. 
Soon we were taken to Gideon's room which we shared with a girl of the same age as Gideon. We were told that there was a crafts teacher in the playroom, so we could have a look in there. 
That was cosy, crafting a pete in the chimney. Gideon immediately felt safe, as I was just allowed to get coffee and go to the toilet. Good to notice. 
Later in the room, we had all kinds of visits over the day from the surgeon, paediatricians, virologist, pulmonologist and the dietician. 

The virologist mentioned that Gideon would need surgery on two things anyway, namely his patch going out and part of his left lung. He stated that it was just a matter of deciding whether these operations can be done all at once or separately. Both major operations, namely abdominal surgery with adhesions and surgery on the chest that requires the ribs to be moved aside. I was shocked and also said that was not clear to us yet. Later, the paediatrician said he had spoken a little too quickly and that it was not at all certain yet... Again some confusion with a lot of emotions. 

A day full of talking and 'watching Gideon'. Gideon himself was fine by himself, but was totally hyper (in his own way).
So at the end of the afternoon, he collapsed completely. Luckily, daddy then came from work with grandpa to the hospital. A little play with the nice balloon he got from grandpa, a little food and to bed. 
Meanwhile, we still got our own room, so one of us could sleep with Gideon. 
On this day, Gideon showed his typical things, as we always saw at home. Lots of spit-up moments, occasional elevation and little 'real' energy. 
That evening, he also had another hefty spit-up moment with the tightness that often accompanies it.

The next morning, Gideon was awake early and he found it all rather cosy. He did not feel like eating (as so often), but playing was. 
The infusion was another big challenge, fortunately we were listened to that it didn't go in the hand the previous times. We tried directly in the elbow, but that too went wrong the first time. In the other arm, fortunately, it went well and with a splint around it, it was really firm. From noon onwards, Gideon was allowed to drink 400ml of apple juice containing contrast medium... Any parent of (poorly drinking) children knows that this is quite a challenge. But it worked! At 3pm it was our turn for the CT scan and by then he had drunk almost everything. Unfortunately, he spit it all out again during the CT scan, but there was enough in his intestines and bloodstreams to make the CT scan. 
After the CT scan, we went back to the ward where some blood had to be drawn after all, and then the drip was allowed to come out and we could go home!

In the car, Gideon fell asleep immediately. We got home at 7.30pm, where Gideon again spit everything out, but after that spitting moment he did sleep through the night. Now a weekend of rest for all three of us and then we will probably hear the results next Thursday and about the further course.

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Messages 1 up to and including 7 out of a total of 7

Peter and Jacqueline

Wed, 07-12-16 21:37

Dear ones, in our prayers we carry you. We are not always visibly present, but know that you are in our hearts and that we are very concerned for you!

Thick pack,

Peter and Jacqueline



Tuesday, 06-12-16 17:51

In prayer, in thought, in Faith, in Hope, in Love with you. Thank you for sharing about the days in Nijmegen. Respect for the three of you! Big hugs!


Marijke Van den Heuvel.

friday, 02-12-16 21:38

Sweet family,
I pray for you and sympathise with you.
Kind regards,


Joke Hilhorst-Klomp from Leende

friday, 02-12-16 17:37

Dear Marieke and Nathanaël, I thought about you a lot yesterday and today. I am happy with your report. Unfortunately again uncertainty and how bad it is when a doctor speaks "out of turn". I hope there will be clarity soon about what will happen next. Lots of strength and love!


Joke Hilhorst-Klomp from Leende

friday, 02-12-16 17:36

Dear Marieke and Nathanaël, I thought about you a lot yesterday and today. I am happy with your report. Unfortunately again uncertainty and how bad it is when a doctor speaks "out of turn". I hope there will be clarity soon about what will happen next. Lots of strength and love!


Marianne de Groot from Almere

friday, 02-12-16 16:19

What an impact all this has again hehe. Both for you and for Gideon. We are praying for you.


Renate from Doornspijk

friday, 02-12-16 15:46

Hey dear people, thanks for the update. What excitement again! You are in our prayers. Lfs, the Hofstedes
