Operation Date and School!
Just another update, we again received many messages about how things are going now. How incredibly special to notice that everyone is so sympathetic again. At the same time, it is so confrontational. Another blog, another excitement, hearing 'strength' again and again at the end of a conversation. We had so hoped that the intense periods would be over....
Gideon has been going to school since January. On the first day, he said goodbye without difficulty and came home excited. He is coming along well in class and he is having a great time, we are so happy!
Three weeks ago (just after posting the previous blog), Gideon started spitting up a lot again in the evening and at night and this lasted for a fortnight. Fortunately, since last Sunday he has really been doing much better again and has so much more energy. The tube feeding is helping tremendously and his weight is starting to climb again. We are praying and hoping that he will get much stronger before the operation.
Meanwhile, the date of this day is also known. On Monday 20 February, he will be admitted to Nijmegen and we will have all kinds of preparatory appointments. And Tuesday 21 February the OR is scheduled at 8.00am. We talked to Gideon about it and tried to explain in child's language what the doctor will do and he understood. At the same time, he already finds it exciting. He came crawling into bed with us the other morning to ask us to pray for him that the doctors won't hurt him. Wow, that came in for a moment...
I 'collapsed' a bit last month. The fact that we lost David, Gideon has often been on the verge of death and that things are now about to get very exciting again, became too much for me. All I could manage was keeping everything running at home, with Gideon's care (and hospital visits) included. Things besides 'home' often don't work out anymore. Nathanael is also a bit more emotional than usual. He regularly fills up when it comes to Gideon's situation and the uncertainty is also intense for him.
As always, we don't want to be dramatic at all, but we do want to be honest about how things are going. Because it's just a bizarre situation we've been in for 5 and a half years. Never really had peace, no stability, never enjoying ourselves without limit, cancelling appointments so often and worst of all: seeing your son suffer, time after time.
At the same time, we realise that there are situations in the Netherlands and in the world that are many times more intense. Then we are grateful that we have been able to enjoy our son for 4 years and that God has blessed us so much with each other.
And we want to enjoy that. We will go for it and put our shoulders to the wheel. Fortunately not the three of us, but together with God and all the lovely people around us!
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Messages 1 up to and including 9 out of a total of 9
Peter and Jacqueline
Wed, 08-02-17 12:43
Dear Marieke and Nathanael,
How nice to hear that an operation date is known. You had better get it over with then. Take heart, for those who are with us are greater than those who are in the world! He Who is in us is greater than those who are in the world. We believe and trust in a God who is greater and can do more than what we can pray for or realise. Our God works through seemingly impossible situations! But also still in the unseen...Keep courage, with these words we want to bless you. Do not give up, soon we will be able to see the effects of our faith. It will go well, God Himself will carry you through this, that trust lives in us. We have seen miracles in the past and we will see miracles in the present and also in the future. For our God is the same and He never leaves us alone!
Bye darlings!
Big hugs and many blessings,
Peter and Jacqueline
Sat, 04-02-17 16:55
So understandable say, that you are having a bit of a meltdown. I can imagine you're in 'survival mode' Deep respect for you guys. I also pray with you for your dear Gideon. Keep praying, even if you are sometimes tired of asking...Keep praying, even if you have so many unanswered prayers.... that is faith! Right against all the emotions: "Lord, I keep trusting You, even if I break down inside!" And if you can't pray yourself, so many people carry you in prayer!
'Lord, we cling to Your goodness, to Your promise of life in abundance for Gideon, even though we have so much pain and questions!'
Anne from Amersfoort
Thursday, 02-02-17 20:28
Know that there are also people praying for you who don't know you! Your blog came to my attention over 4 years ago and since then I have been praying for you regularly. So again at this time!
Esther from Hoogland
Thursday, 02-02-17 07:07
dear treasures, quite intense to read this again like this. But nice that you show what happens behind closed doors, and how we can pray for you. And that is what we will definitely do. Big kiss from us (and if there is anything we can do, please let us know).
Evert Peet
Thursday, 02-02-17 02:06
Dear Marieke and Nathanael...,
I had been wondering for a while how you guys have kept it up for so long. And yes....then it's a little ryst for a while and you let your defences down, and then everything comes off. Doesn't matter, it's part of it, and very good of you to be so open about it.
Indeed, there are always people who have it even harder, but that is no reason to put your own feelings aside, as if you are not allowed to have them... they are allowed to be there.
I dare not wish you any more strength, but I hope for the very' very best for you.
Jannieka Scheinhardt from Sellingen
wednesday, 01-02-17 21:37
Darlings,how nice of you to be so candid,thus committing to "us"
What better thing to do than to put you three in the hands of God.?! Good luck with all,much love ?
wednesday, 01-02-17 20:29
How super that your warrior is enjoying school so much and that the tube feeding is catching on!
I admire your honesty and vulnerability, it's not all nothing either. A testimony that you draw peace and trust from God. He is there. His faithfulness colours the morning ;-)
You are a top dad and mum to Gideon!
Marijke Van den Heuvel.
wednesday, 01-02-17 20:10
Sweet family,
This week I was reminded of how it must be all maren for you 3tjs, and also let go if you need to, bottling up has no In.
Dear Father we pray for strength and grace, wisdom and insight for the doctors and. callers. Rest and. peace to you and family. Xxxx
Frank and Sandra Obdam from Lichigna
wednesday, 01-02-17 19:56
Hey dear people,
we love you guys!!!