This is Gideon
Gideon's blog which we have been keeping since about the 20-week ultrasound. Gideon was born with an open diaphragm (Cognitive Hernia Diafragmatica) just like his big brother David, which is why we gave birth at Radboud Hospital in Nijmegen.
Hospital day 3 - New day
EN 7.30pmThe day has gone way too fast. Familiar fact within the hospital. Everything races past you and suddenly [...]
Hospital day 2 - Operation day
EN EN 9pm Gideon has been very awake a few times and has also talked a bit. He was thirsty. [...]
Hospital day 1 - So it begins
The adventure has begun. Today from 11.00am had meetings with anaesthesia, clinical geneticist, blood sampling, consultation with paediatrician, preparation with teaching assistant, [...]
Bring it on
"I am so happy that I get to go to school this week before the doctor opens me up." Thursday morning at [...]
Operation Date and School!
Just another update, we received many messages again how things are going now. How incredibly special to notice that everyone [...]
Gideon is doing very well (under the circumstances). We notice that the extra food is really doing him good. He seems [...]
Duodenum probe
Pff what an adventure again... Just a report. It's TuesdayAt Nijmegen for a whole bunch of interviews and a [...]
N 2 days off requested - check Preparing for a night in hospital with Gideon and little sleep - check M signed off from [...]
Survey results
The surgeon called us Dindsday evening, so we had some time to let it sink in.The lung lobe that [...]
Investigations behind
On Thursday morning, we were told to report to the paediatric ward at 10.30am. Soon we were taken to Gideon's room which we shared [...]
Gideon developed a nasty cough with a lot of phlegm in early September and after two weeks it turned out to be pneumonia. [...]
CT scan result: To operate or not to operate?
The attending surgeon called us and briefly updated us on the situation. The result of the CT scan is positive, [...]
Hospital day - CT scan
Update: 1 August still no result A quick chronological account of our hospital day; 7.30amFrom home. We have an appointment for [...]
Good and bad news
Good news We had a wonderful time. Enjoyed 2 weeks of holidays. A week of Belgian Adrennen and a [...]
Six months later
It is now almost 7 months since Gideon had an operation due to an inflammation in his abdomen. The wound from this [...]
Good news!!!
The antibiotics have done their job, the inflammation seems to be gone! This means Gideon does not need major abdominal surgery. Wow, [...]
Gideon is 3 years old
Hip hip hurrah. 3 years! We had a really fun birthday. How wonderful it is to have Gideon [...]
Tissue test results
Spent another half-day in Nijmegen today to check the wound and get more information about the operation [...]
Surgery gone well
We had to report to Nijmegen today at quarter to 10. At quarter to 11, he was pre-medicated and we [...]
Friday surgery of hump on back
Tomorrow (Friday), Gideon will have surgery on the lump on his back after all. After the various examinations we had [...]