This is Gideon
Gideon's blog which we have been keeping since about the 20-week ultrasound. Gideon was born with an open diaphragm (Cognitive Hernia Diafragmatica) just like his big brother David, which is why we gave birth at Radboud Hospital in Nijmegen.
MRI behind us + update results
This afternoon we left at 12.30pm and were back home by 7pm. It was another long and also rather emotional [...]
Gideon, 2 years and 8 months
Time for an update! Gideon is doing well. He unfortunately does still get sick regularly, but since he turned 2 [...]
Gideon (for a while now) 2 years!!!
Hip hip hurrah! Gideon is 2 years old! From a fragile baby who couldn't live without a ventilator, to the toddler [...]
Just like that, it's been 3 months since we last wrote an update. There weren't really any new [...]
Gideon, one and a half years!
What a lovely little fellow Gideon is. He is enterprising, inquisitive, sweet, sensitive, handsome, strong and a huge go-getter! Looking back [...]
Gideon, 1 year and 4 months
Last month, Gideon was busy learning to walk. From kneeling and then sitting, to pulling himself up on [...]
Gideon, 1 year and 2 months
We have been on the road together for over a year now, almost a year of which has been really home. Last Christmas, we spent 2 weeks [...]
Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
A year of perseverance and of blessingLittle expected, much receivedPower for today,and happy hope for a new yearEnjoying [...]
Hip Hip Hip Hooray!
Gideon is 1 year old! On 22-11-2012, his birthday, we had no idea if Gideon would live. Everything in us was [...]
11 Months and without a Probe!!!
Today, Gideon is 2 weeks without a tube. We are so incredibly grateful and happy! Gideon is finally getting his voice to [...]
Gideon 10 months
Two months to go and he'll be a year already. (For the umpteenth time, but it goes really fast...) What [...]
Gideon 9 months old!
Unbelievable, how quickly time goes by! Gideon is now 9 months old and we are having the time of our lives with [...]
Gideon, month 8
Photos of Gideon, month 8! Click here to go to the photo overview.
God remains faithful
As you could read earlier, Gideon has been sick since Wednesday and spitting up all day long. We are still doing our [...]
Still back on the probe
For a while it seemed to go very well without the probe, but eating became more difficult by the day, and it [...]
Been probe free all weekend!
Gideon did without a tube at all last weekend. On Friday, he had quite his snack with [...] in the morning and in the evening.
Gideon is teething!
Gideon is growing up. He is getting his first teeth. The bottom one has been through for a week now and there are more [...]
Gideon, month 7
We have put together another photo book about month 7 of Gideon's life. It's already becoming quite an archive this way. Click [...]
Gideon on the move
This (see picture) is how we find Gideon in the morning for the past few days. Not in the way we found him in [...]
Beautiful moment!
Last Sunday, we dedicated Gideon to God in the service. A special moment for us as a little family, to be allowed/able [...] there.