Christmas Day (Gideon day 34)

11.15am Oops, completely forgot to write an update yesterday! And now it's already Christmas Day. Our rhythm is going [...]

Gideon day 32

12.00h Last night I slept with Gideon again and Nathanael went to the RMH again. Gideon spent last night before the [...]

Gideon 1 month old

12.00h Party, because Gideon turned 1 month old today. Every milestone is special, but especially as we don't [...]

Gideon day 30 (1st night with daddy)

23.30h So, this will be my first night with Gideon together. Just had a nice sit-down with him on my lap and under the [...]

Gideon 4 weeks! (no more luminal)

10.00am Gideon did so well last night! His levels stayed super and he only woke up three times [...]

Gideon day 28 (moving MediumCare)

Gideon is now permanently on the lowflow, faster than we had thought the day before yesterday therefore there was no reason to [...] him.

Gideon day 27

Gideon did very well last night without CPAP!!! Even now he is still on the lowflow and seems [...]

Gideon day 26 (full lowflow)

13.45h Today another 3 new steps after the doctors' visit. Next night, Gideon will be without CPAP for the first time, so [...]

Gideon day 25

11.30am This morning, we basically held Gideon all morning and had a nice frolic with him. How lovely that was. [...]

Gideon day 24

21.20h Quiet day today. What peace and quiet on the HighCare. In the ICU, they are more concerned with children "alive [...]

Gideon day 23 (bath and HC)

05.50h Last night, it took a while for Gideon to fall asleep nicely. We had him on the [...] again by 8pm.

Gideon day 22 (1st time at the breast)

2.20pm This morning, Gideon drank quite a bit (from what could be measured) for the first time at the breast. He was about [...]

Gideon day 21

05.30h Last night the internet was down so we couldn't write an update for a while, so I'll do it now while Marieke [...].

Gideon day 20 (kidney examination)

2.30pm Today, Gideon is still doing well. He is awake a lot though, but we like that! [...]

Gideon day 19

Fortunately, after Gideon did get another extra bit of luminal, he slept through almost the entire night and was [...]

Gideon day 18

13.30h Last night and today, Gideon is more restless again. They think this is (still!) the aftermath of the [...]

Gideon day 17

2.45pm Yes, today Gideon gets to go fully on the low-flow! Unless he doesn't pull it off, he may also be on it at night [...]

Gideon day 16 (long line out)

16.00h No news is good news. In this case, then... Gideon is making great strides again. Today he sits with nutrition [...]

Gideon 2 weeks old!

Today, Gideon is 2 weeks old. How proud we are of our brave warrior! He has already experienced so much [...]

Gideon day 14 (1st time wearing clothes)

14.15h Gideon is again enjoying himself today. He has already spent another 3 hours on the low flow and that goes [...]
