This is Gideon
Gideon's blog which we have been keeping since about the 20-week ultrasound. Gideon was born with an open diaphragm (Cognitive Hernia Diafragmatica) just like his big brother David, which is why we gave birth at Radboud Hospital in Nijmegen.
Gideon day 13
10.45am Gideon slept through from 12am last night until we arrived. What a handsome boy! He's all Gideon again. Comfortable, well [...]
Gideon day 12
11.20h We slept well. And Gideon had a reasonably restful night. After 8 hours on the low flow to [...]
Gideon day 11 (kickback from morphine)
13.45h Last night just after we went to the RM house to sleep, Gideon had pooped all over his nappy. So [...]
Gideon day 10 (off the ecmo spot)
11.30am We are still at the hospital as of this morning as we have to get used to Gideon's new schedule again. [...]

Gideon day 9 (1st marsupial)
13.20h This morning had a slightly different morning than "normal", hence another slightly late update. We are now the [...]
Gideon day 8 (off the tube)
9.00h Gideon is one week old today! And how well he is doing!!! Last night he had another good, stable night. [...]

Gideon day 7
11.45h This morning we completely forgot to write an update. Just too chaotic in our heads probably. With Gideon, [...]
Gideon day 6 (diaphragm surgery)
08.10h We have just come from Gideon. He had another good night. Right now, his [...]
Gideon day 5
11.15am Today looks like the day! If all goes well, Gideon will have surgery on his diaphragm today around 3pm/16pm (subject to [...]

Gideon day 4 (1st time on lap)
07.20h We slept reasonably well. A lot of tiredness still needs to be slept out. We are tired, but we feel [...]

Birth announcement card Gideon
Here is Gideon's birth announcement card. Made it myself (again) 🙂 Special thanks to bizzprint for the fast (and good) service!
Gideon day 3
07.30h Gideon made it through the night well again. All his levels remained super good. And we remembered yesterday [...]

Gideon day 2
07.00h Gideon had a very good night. He was stable all night. This was at first [...]
Gideon is born!
08.00h I slept reasonably well. Marieke not so much. After a quiet night in terms of contractions, back on the CTG to check Ukkies heart rate [...].
Off to Nijmegen for delivery
10.00am By now we are already in Nijmegen. Called this morning and was told there was a place in obstetrics. [...]
Tomorrow we go! (probably)
We called Nijmegen to see if there is room for us so that everything is ready for our little one (spot on [...]

Whaa, 1 week and 2 days to go!
Tomorrow we go to Nijmegen for the last regular appointment. As it looks now, we may go next Wednesday (21 November) at [...].
3 more weeks
Been to Nijmegen again today and everything is stable with our Ukkie. We had a conversation with one of [...]
18 October
Nathanaël is safely back in the Netherlands. He had a super fun and good time in Mexico and enjoyed it immensely [...]
Meanwhile, we are over 31 weeks pregnant.Ukkie moves an awful lot and Nathanael can enjoy it wonderfully. What is [...]