24 September 2012
When we went to Nijmegen last week, we were not really expecting to hear much news. The doctors were very cautious each time and they could not say anything about life expectancy.
When the ultrasound of our little one was done, the doctor expressed a positive opinion about our little one's situation for the first time.
Positive Points:
- Diaphragm appears stable (liver has not moved further upwards)
- Stomach and intestines seem to be in the right place
- Lungs seem (looking at a child with this problem) well laid out.
- Ukkie is growing well!
Points that are still medically exciting:
- How big the 'diaphragm hole' ends up being
- Whether the stomach and intestines stay in the right place
- How the lungs are going to respond to life outside the belly
- How the kidneys are developing. They are currently larger than they should be.
We are grateful that Ukkie is still safely in my belly and is kicking nicely (a lot!!).
As it looks now, labour will be initiated in 8 weeks! Secretly, I hope labour starts spontaneously or something the day before. It seems wonderful to experience a 'spontaneous' birth. Admittedly just in Nijmegen, but less chance of those big storms of contractions and so on... 🙂 ...
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Messages 1 up to and including 8 out of a total of 8
Jelmer & Paula Dijkhuizen from Amersfoorrt
Thursday, 04-10-12 09:02
We are thinking of you and believe God for a miracle. We sympathise with you very much and we keep you for Papa.
Paula and Jelmer
Tuesday, 25-09-12 21:08
Oh girl, only 8 more weeks!!! Zooo exciting!
Thinking of you a lot, praying for you!
Deana and Evert from almere
Tuesday, 25-09-12 21:04
How good to hear!
Thanks for sharing.
Hang in there, we are proud of you!
Evert and Deana
Carlos & Antoinette Verhorst from Amersfoort
Tuesday, 25-09-12 10:15
Hi cronies!
Cool that even doctors are again amazed at how Life breaks ground and develops miraculously through Him who gives Life.
Hug from us, C & A
Marijke from Leusden
Monday, 24-09-12 18:34
I pray with you for a natural spontaneous delivery,
Much love,
Joep Prommenschenckel from Hooglanderveen
Monday, 24-09-12 14:39
How good to hear. We are hoping and praying for you. Enjoy all you get to experience already and we hope for more of His blessing.
Greetings and blessings.
Danielle from Sneek
Monday, 24-09-12 11:44
Hey lovelies,
How nice that the news finally had something positive in it for once... :-)
Only 8 weeks to go. I pray for a natural,
Big kiss for you guys!
H&M Wolff from Amersfoort
Monday, 24-09-12 11:24
Oh,oh, we are so looking forward to meeting ukkie, only 8 weeks to go so!!!
But it remains exciting, so we continue to pray along for ukepuk and keep our eyes on Jesus.