CT scan result: To operate or not to operate?
The attending surgeon called us and briefly updated us on the situation.
The result of the CT scan is positive, meaning there is no more fluid at the patch than after surgery and no other crazy things were found.
Therefore, there is no additional reason to go into surgery and the surgeon does not want to do this. In fact, Gideon is not suffering from the infection, is doing better than ever before and the surgeon told us that if they are going to operate we are really going to make Gideon worse than he is now, and we just can't do that. We of course totally agree with that.
Wow, this means NO OPERATION! We are really very grateful.
That leaves two options open now:
- If the wound does close on its own and we take a wait-and-see policy. Still watching what the body does and hoping that the infection doesn't manifest itself somewhere else in the body or that Gideon gets sick from it. (In that case, they will operate immediately)
- If the wound does not close, we are going to take a biopsy of the wound to see what bacteria are still on the wound now and act accordingly with antibiotics. If e-coli bacteria can still be found, they want to give six months of heavy antibiotics.
Just a little testimonial:
We purposefully prayed a few weeks ago that everything that did not belong in the wound would come out. The next morning, a suture was sticking out of the wound, which wasn't there before, and of course we took it out.
Could that be the reason the wound has not closed all this time? Since then, the wound has become smaller than ever, but wild flesh is starting to grow again. We hope and pray that the wound will close soon after all.
And in the meantime, we are really enjoying our toddler immensely who is slowly becoming really ready for primary school 🙂 .
He is really eating much better than before and is finally starting to gain some weight. He plays, discovers, climbs, races on his balance bike and likes other children very much now.
Gideon will soon go to the day-care centre where he has been before, so that I (Marieke) can go to school in Almere for my speech therapy studies. He will only go there for a few months, until he starts school in January. A new, exciting, but oh so fun period is about to begin.
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friday, 12-08-16 21:12
Thank you for the update! Very happy for you guys! I will continue to pray with you. Lots of love, Inge