Hospital day 3

Gideon had a good night. Less pain, fewer wires and no monitor. So that means no beeps and slightly easier movement. Just a heart rate monitor on the finger and that pesky catheter. A big difference from the first night and very nice (also for me 😅) to get the necessary sleep.

Rosalie was quite restless at home with a fever, infected eyes and not feeling well. But last night went better, so Marieke was able to get some sleep as well.

Taking it easy today and hoping that conditions become such that Gideon can go home soon, but we have no idea when that will be.

Medically, the course is good and going in the right direction. But we are still here at least until Monday. Rest is really important for a while and that no more blood (clots) come out of kidney and bladder. Only then can the catheter come out and we can go home. Let's hope that won't take even longer.

Gideon had a nice shower this morning and now nice clean clothes and a clean bed. Gideon is not allowed to move or walk much, so we entertain ourselves by watching films and driving around in the wheelchair and talking to everyone who enters our room (doctors nurses cleaners). And we know what time it is because someone asks what we want for breakfast / lunch / dinner 😁

This afternoon, Marieke comes with Rosalie for a cuddle. That will be the highlight of the day 🥰

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One thought on “Ziekenhuis dag 3

  1. Dear Gideon.
    What an awful scare. Wishing you a speedy recovery, nice to have daddy with you! And you can watch films together and chat.
    Eliam, Joni, Sefanjah, Evan and Josalynn

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