Hospital day 4
This morning, the urologist did another ultrasound. The progression is going as expected and the prognosis looks good, but there are still quite a few clots in the kidney and bladder. They will come out by drinking a lot and fluids via drip at night, which makes the catheter necessary. And anyone who has ever had one will immediately admit that such a catheter is annoying, awkward and painful. Once it is out and it runs through without it, the pain is sufficiently under control, blood pressure and HB remain good and the intake (nutrition) is sufficient, Gideon can continue to recover at home. When exactly that will be is hard to say. We are here at least until Monday, but we know from experience that we need patience.
It is all taking longer than hoped, but Gideon is being well looked after here. Otherwise he is doing quite well, except that he is very tired, has to stay in bed most of the time, which again involves discomfort. He gets painkillers at regular intervals because of pain in the abdominal area (due to the broken rib, the kidney, the catheter and the bruise itself).
Fortunately, this is a children's ward and there are some distractions. We found out where the PS5 is, the teaching assistant came with VR glasses and Gideon has now found 4 different devices he can play Minecraft on. 😁 In addition, visits are also very nice, although we have to keep that to a minimum as he needs all the energy for his physical recovery.
If you would like to send a card or something, you can send it to the WKZ in Utrecht, Parrot department for Gideon ter Borg. I think he would appreciate it 😊
Gideon has been in a lot of pain since this afternoon and has been spitting up continuously. Now mainly bile, more than usual. Because of his history, the organs are not in their original place and partly because of this, the cause is not immediately obvious. For now, they think colic pain due to passing blood clots from the kidney.
He is now receiving medication and fluids via IV again to relieve the stomach.
For us as parents, it is really terrible to see our own little man suffering like this again, he has to endure it all....
He is being watched closely, which is nice.
Dear Gideon,
How strong and courageous you are! You remind me of your biblical pastor who managed to find his trust in God despite an awful lot of adversity.
In Judges 6:12, the angel of the Lord says to Gideon, 'The Lord is with you, brave hero!' And I believe and pray that the angel of the Lord also comes to you Gideon to say that, brave hero! That he may protect you in your continued recovery and that you may feel God's arms around you in your sleep, in the discomfort, in the pain and around that.
I look forward to seeing you again soon boy, you are strong and brave!